An example of data obtained from a single CoronaCal™ diary.
CC_9 Figure legend
CC_9 shows data from a CoronaCal diary in which one individual collected saliva samples and self-recorded symptoms for a total of nine days during the course of COVID-19 illness. The chart is essentially a timeline that can be read from left to right. At the top of the figure, green rectangles represent symptoms: A, fever; B, cough; C, diarrhea; D, sneezing; E, sniffles; F, headaches; G, tiredness; H, body aches; I, sore throat; J, hard to breath; K, can’t smell. The bottom panel shows the results of qPCR analysis of RNA samples extracted from the paper CoronaCal. Duplicate samples were analyzed for each day using PCR primer/probe combinations designed to detect SARS-CoV-2 N1 (red solid circles) and N2 (blue solid triangles). For each sample, saliva RNAase P RNA was measured as a control (black circles and triangles). On day one, the subject reported fever, cough, tiredness, and body aches and was also positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in their saliva. On day two the positive saliva RNA persisted, but the symptoms changed. Fever persisted, but other symptoms subsided, while sore throat began. By day three of the illness, all symptoms had subsided and there was no longer SARS-CoV-2 RNA present in the saliva. However, on day eight fever recurred, as did the appearance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the saliva. Three days later, on day 11 of the illness, the subject was asymptomatic but continued to be positive for saliva RNA. On day twelve and beyond the subject was asymptomatic and continued to be free of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the saliva. These results show the discontinuous waxing and waning clinical course of COVID-19 and its associated viral RNA shedding in one individual.